What does an LED bulb consist of? In today’s market we can find different light bulbs from different manufacturers, made in different ways. Here are the main parts of the LED composition.

- LED chip - optimalizovaný pre využitie v automobiloch.
- Heat pipe – used to remove heat from the chip. We know several types. The most commonly used are copper conductor or a vacuum-sealed liquid in a tube.
- Otočná pätica v 360° - typ pätice závisí od verzie žiarovky (H1, H7, H8...)
- Inteligentný teplotný regulátor - Slúži na ochranu žiarovky pred poškodením.
- Fan – dissipates heat from the heat pipe into the space. The most powerful bulbs include a double bearing fan which provides higher cooling
- Cooling part – in case of active cooling it contains a fan, in case of passive cooling there is a cooling bank.
- LED dekodér - označovaný aj ako canbus alebo odpor. Zabraňuje hláseniu vypálenej žiarovky v aute. Nemusí byť obsiahnutý pri každom type žiarovky.
- Konektor závisí od verzie žiarovky (H1, H7, H8...).
You should now have clearer information about composition of LED.